Earn a new deck stuck at 0:00:00
The earn a new deck quest feature is stuck at 0:00:00 left on the timer with no way to earn a new deck
Playing on PC
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Dialb#55820 commented
This quest has been stuck like this for days. Please fix it.
Dialb#55820 commented
This quest has been stuck like this for days. Please fix it.
Dialb#55820 commented
This quest has been stuck like this for days. Please fix it.
andrewringer#82648 commented
Daily deck quest is on cooldown showing (00:00:00) and won't update, also didnt get the new deck when I completed it
TriForceFusion#10179 commented
After most recent update, the "Earn a new deck" challenge does not update or grant new decks. The timer for "come back tomorrow is stuck at 00:00:00. Clicking does not bring up the menu for the color challenge. PC Windows 10
moosofdoom#92914 commented
I've also been having this issue
Burnoutfigs#98602 commented
Mine is as well. I thought it was just me, but seems like it is a lot of people. Been like this for 3 days now.
Boogie#95527 commented
I think it's evident at this point that these devs don't care
lee#38604 commented
Earn a deck has not been refreshing it’s been stuck on 00.00 for days tryed everything I possible could to get it to fix it. It still won’t let me earn any new decks and it didn’t give me the last deck I earned ether any way this can be fixed.
lee#38604 commented
Earn a deck has not been refreshing it’s been stuck on 00.00 for days tryed everything I possible could to get it to fix it. It still won’t let me earn any new decks and it didn’t give me the last deck I earned ether any way this can be fixed.
lee#38604 commented
Earn a deck has not been refreshing it’s been stuck on 00.00 for days tryed everything I possible could to get it to fix it. It still won’t let me earn any new decks and it didn’t give me the last deck I earned ether any way this can be fixed.
lee#38604 commented
Earn a deck has not been refreshing it’s been stuck on 00.00 for days tryed everything I possible could to get it to fix itself still won’t let me earn any new decks and it didn’t give me the last deck I earned ether an way this can be fixed.
Baginus#49861 commented
Same here, want the cards in my collection before I do any crafting but the timer is stuck at 00:00
Baginus#49861 commented
Same bug I want the cards so I don't accidentally craft ones I'm gonna get for free
Rotlung#22545 commented
I don't have all the preconstructed decks. I'm a returning player after some time. I've completed the Color Challenge. I still don't have all the preconstructed decks and my UI says "earn a new deck tomorrow", but never changes and I never earn a new deck.
Cakealla#73153 commented
Same here... 3 days of no new quest...
ManaWyrm#40657 commented
Since this is an older bug report and it seems a lot of people are experiencing it again in the last week, does anyone know how long it took to fix last time? What the fix was? Is there any way for Wizards of the Coast to mark these bug reports as resolved or reopened?
JayDreaming#32232 commented
Same thing is happening to me. I'm a new player, and so very eager to get new decks from the daily event. But it's been frozen for about 4-5 days now
homarid tribal#64225 commented
Same here since the patch. Sucks because I started playing the game just days before this happened.
hotchocletymilk#10872 commented
Same problem here, I had it since the update.