Cannot login
Cannot login to the game, it just keeps sending me cycling me back to the login screen everytime.

Ergovore#87884 commented
I won game 1 of the Explorer Metagame Challenge then during SB I closed the game because my client was slow. When I loaded it, it went to login screen and kept giving me an error. "Error code: -1"
That's 2000 gold down the drain :( -
_8nen#95731 commented
this image
_8nen#95731 commented
Cannot login to the game
Kagemaru656#93095 commented
Found the issue. I had a shortcut directly to the game, but not to the launcher. There was a game update that would only download if the launcher was opened, so I kept getting booted out when I tried to connect due to having the wrong version. If this happens to you make sure to open the magic arena launcher
Kagemaru656#93095 commented
Happening for me today
Duke#05036 commented
Me too
Hoograh#69613 commented
Yep, I am having the exact same problem. I have tried on several different devices, changed my password and even with a mobile data connection to cover all bases. No way to log in at all.
Harpoon420666#98879 commented
Having the same problem right now, you'd think a game that makes as much money as this would fix things like the when it's clearly been a problem for a while
Nappa_ZD#34953 commented
Same issue on android. It just recycles me to the login screen and prompts me to enter an email. If I use a bad password, it calls that out, but a good password appears to work momentarily, but bounces me back to login.
mrgray#35243 commented
Same problem again today
Proud#39707 commented
Same exact issue here, 10/28 iOS 15
blueeyeswhitedragon#24185 commented
Same issue Oct 14, 2021. On Android.
FirebirdUNI#28017 commented
Same issue on 10/14/21 using iOS
cachearevalo#80849 commented
Same here im using a Xiaomi Mi11 and mate 20, keeps taking me to login
AlGo#29156 commented
Happening now on Android app
jokernthief#34316 commented
Same for me.
edit: I followed the other comment in here and started the mtga.exe as administrator. It immediately started updating the client and also downloaded updates ingame. Problem solved.
BenSamson#65095 commented
Heads up: If you are running this game through the Windows Task Bar (At one point you pinned the mtga.exe to the task bar for quicker access), I found a fix. If you unpin the executable, you can press Windows and search "MTGA" and run it through there. When you do that, it will also run the necessary scripts for updating the client, validation, etc. When MTGA.exe is able to run those update checks and what not the issue will resolve.
joshuak138#86552 commented
Cycles through the login , so I retype everything and then it takes me right back to the login again. Neat.
NastyNasATX#46066 commented
Experiencing the same issue for the past 2 days. Cycling thru login up to loading initializing localization database then back to login page. Very frustrating.
Jagged Peak#33562 commented
It keeps putting the normal loading screen on and then putting me back into the login page.