Did not receive daily quest reward of 750 gold
- Played Historic Brawl after which I should have completed my daily quest. Instead got the "waiting for server" screen.
- PC Windows 10
- After restarting the game, my gold collection was not updated even though before restarting, I got 750 gold.
- The 750 gold from the daily quest, namely "Kill 25 of your opponent's creatures", should have been added to my gold collection after completing the quest.

Allirog#15154 commented
Also seen this but had it together with a card win as the result of a daily win and had a network error with a message like saying to try again later. I had to quit and never seen the reward nor the earned card at my next game start.
Snowlogan123#20415 commented
Exact same thing happened to me. I played historic ranked I believe but historic none the less and during my game I completed the kill 25 of your opponent's creatures quest for 750 gold. Before my match, I had 650 gold and after my match ended and it popped up on my screen that I completed the quest and I had 3 rewards to collect. 1 was the 750 gold from the quest, 1 was an uncommon card called roiling regrowth, but I can't remember the third reward. I tapped the collect button and my gold amount never changed but I still received the card reward.