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17 results found
7 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
5 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
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313 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
If has become the norm since a couple of days ago...
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
Sparky stuck in "Hmmm."-ing out turn - Need a way to force Sparky's play
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570 votesAn error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
Hello @Darthrc#87184,
I guess preventing peoples from playing against Sparky ensures somewhat more peoples in the other play queues but they utterly ignore the reasons why people play against Sparky. If you like playing MTG against AI I recommend taking a look at the community open source project MTG Forge as there is no better choice.
As for where to write in order to get listened to here are some suggestions:
- MTGA's Steam page
- MTGA's Epic page
- MTGA's Metacritic page
- Apple Store MTGA app
- Google Play MTGA appNo use to comment on MTG's YT channels as that gives them better visibility. It's better to unsubscribe from those...
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
Hello @Abraxxas80#19836, @VikingNinja47#92568,
Sorry to break it to you, this is not a bug: it is done on purpose.
After the last game update Sparky also stops responding when the player attacks. As such, I guess it's easier to hide this specific design as a bug.
Playing against the bot does not help this "pay to win" game earn money since the players are less likely to need powerful cards (hence lees need to invest money to buy better/new cards) nor the bot cares when the players brag about their new flashy cosmetics...
I recommend to everyone to use the default sleeves, one of the default avatars, remove any card style and not play the 3rd MWM game awarding a cosmetic in order to send the clear message that cosmetics improvement should not be the top priority nor detrimental to game's enjoyability or playability then maybe consider using the cosmetics again when the card search engine will allow the search "by artist" to start giving proper credit to the artists for their wonderful work.
@VikingNinja47#92568: even Magic Duels has a better AI design, don't know if it's still available on Steam/iOS but that's not surprising giving that Sparky get improved at playing bad with nearly every game update. Otherwise I highly recommend having a look at the community made MTG Forge: there are lots of decks, some are even machine learning improved and I guarantee one could have a hard time beating those. There are even some of the Possibility Storm's puzzles that were featured on !
Kind regards
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
It's not broke. It is done on purpose. No need to fix. It has to be undone.
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
Hello @DAC169#34537,
Thanks for enumerating those posts mentionning the issue and I'm sure you may have missed some.
The usual bugs I've seen on Arens since its launch occur rather occasionaly but this one feels like bug when it is not happening thus my strong feeling it is done on purpose.
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
Hello, I've posted on several topics like this one mentionning this issue but I stronly feel there is nothing to be fixed here: it is done by design to push players play against each other rather than against Sparky (there are myriads of reasons for this) thus it must be undone not fixed. The "large board" as they call the issue on the known issues list is just a scam to hide the fact it is done on purpose: I see this happening on "small boards" too...
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
Hello @Wizards_MS14#29616,
Thank you for your suggestion about the troubleshooting but there is nothing helpful for this particular issue. The PC is fast enough and there is 70% free memory during the game play (and on iPad the game is the only open app with nothing in the background) and yet this happens roughly once every 3 games vs Sparky. There is not even need of a large board as this is logged on the known issues list ([Sparky] Large board states break sparky when going to combat until Sparky times out): I've seen it a couple of times on turn 3 with 3 creatures on the battlefield and added such a comment on one of the recent reports of this Sparky freeze issue. If you could transfer this detail to the investigating team it may help to easier pinpoint the reason of the issue.
Thanks and regards
59 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
It feels very much it is programmed to do so in order to discourage folks to play against him as it happens on all platforms. Also, given the same lack of ergonomy and common sense is present in both PC and iOS versions meaning they reused the same code I doubt they did develop different engines for playing against either Sparky or other players. Versus other players when they stall/timeout one could activate abilities of permanents, play instants etc. but against Sparky one could only concede or wait for its timeout which btw seems longer than vs other players. This feels very much to me these recent freezes are the intended behavior. The freezes seem to happen regardless of the number of creatures on the battlefield.
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
5 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
I suspect this is programmed to do so in order to discourage folks to play against him as it happens on all platforms. Never payed attention to "when" it freezes but I'm pretty sure that I saw freezes with less creatures on the battlefield i.e. like 3 vs 3.
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
8 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
16 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
11 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
61 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
It feels very much it is programmed to do so in order to discourage folks to play against him as it happens on all platforms. Also, given the same lack of ergonomy and common sense is present in both PC and iOS versions meaning they reused the same code I doubt they did develop different engines for playing against either Sparky or other players. Versus other players when they stall/timeout one could activate abilities of permanents, play instants etc. but against Sparky one could only concede or wait for its timeout which btw is longer than vs other players. This feels very much to me these recent freezes are the intended behavior.
35 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
103 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
144 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
503 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
This is not a platform specific issue but a plain bad application design. The game is loaded with lots of useless animations that bring nothing to the gameplay. There is no way to disable part or all of the animations/graphic effects to not only reduce the battery drain but to also allow people to play on lower specification devices. I would love to see a switch to enable a spartan mode with no animations at all but just the minumum to play the game...
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
13 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
Also seen this but had it together with a card win as the result of a daily win and had a network error with a message like saying to try again later. I had to quit and never seen the reward nor the earned card at my next game start.
739 votes
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Allirog#15154 commented
Yeah, the Hulk is bugged. Did not trigger when insta-flickered with Thassa, Deep Dwelling in my case. Attached here is my log file.
Allirog#15154 supported this idea ·
Yeah, basic regex for all categories where it makes sense (card names, oracle, rules text, type/sybtype and hopefuly one day also artist names) would be awesome:
t:"^cat" for all cats, caterpillars etc. or t:"ar$"for all the caterpillar, familiar, etc. creatures.
This would allow for example to match only the rats t:"^rat" instead of the existing t:"rat" which finds both the rats and the pirates !