bronze tier 0
saw some other people had this problem but no solutions, stuck at bronze rank 0 and no way to rank up. any updates to this problem?
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Ren#35641 commented
This bug seems to happen since a new season begins
Star#64952 commented
Experiencing this bug again myself
chewy#66632 commented
bug is back, can't advance constructed ranking
Illusion88#77069 commented
Hello, whatever i win a match into the ranked constructed match i didnt obtain the ranking progress. I won 2 matches in a row, right notw and i am always stucked into the Gold 1
piranha333#20480 commented
Same issue as everyone. Contacting customer service. No help.
Reinstalled, cleared data ans cache... nada.
A thousand votes and no repair? Interesting. Any fix would be appreciated. -
Antekillua#58983 commented
Same stuck in limited despite many wins
omlinson#07875 commented
Same for me, but I'm at Platinum. I'm guessing it will be a slow descent to Bronze.
YoungbloodMTG#10761 commented
Stuck at Bronze 0 after having played MULTIPLE games of constructed. Taking a break from Arena should not eliminate players from climbing the ladder. Clearly it is just a bug but it is a bug that demands attention. Please get this fixed ASAP so that players such as myself and the other 460+ individuals that have made comments on this issue can work on our goals of getting on the ladder.
aredwar3355#50697 commented
Same for me... Almost 6 months with no rank changes for either limited or constructed. Being f2p this feels like it's another way to get your $$, like you have to pay to rank.
RPMF#69302 commented
6 months now ...
I guess it's time to quit playing and move to something else ... -
edo#61740 commented
No rank progress for April:(
Necrotron#35979 commented
Add me to the list of players demanding recompense. Started at some point during alchemy also. It's not like I'm a very good player... at all. So the missing pack or two is critical for me, a free-play person. I really don't play standard because my cards are feeble, but I bot draft two to three times a week, plus do the mid-week magic events and have been able to score some decent stuff in Kami block. So I built a marginally decent enchantment deck and finally won a game tonight after a few adjustments. It's pretty disappointing to get the win and no rank in constructed. To hear that this has been an issue for some players for going on 6 months is, as a former beta tester, UNACCEPTABLE! I've had all kinds of other bugs with certain cards, sometimes reproducible, sometimes not. That's a game AI bug, and it happens.
This missing rewards issue is much more serious, as it detracts from playing the game itself.
Come on, Wizards, fix this!
Busak#34697 commented
Still no rank for 6th straight month!
SahaqielX#88549 commented
I am having the same issue
DoN KoboLD#39222 commented
no ranks for many months... the whole reason to play..
SolaNym#99858 commented
This April - 22 - Season and the last season no rank adjustments. Just tier reductions each season based on new lower placement.
Stormsgard#68315 commented
Still ongoing.
RPMF#69302 commented
Same problem ... this goes on for 5 months.
Opened two tickets ... the official answer is "were sorry you are experiencing this issue" and "use the feedback site to report" ...
In my case this started with Innistrad: Crimson Vow in November -
Segreant#70100 commented
My constructed rank isn't updating for the current season (NEO - March 2022) even though I have played and won many games. Shows the 'you must play' message and rank of Bronze 0. I do have limited rank, but I don't know if that was gained before rank update broke or is working correctly (haven't played limited the last week or two)
Tblade#56392 commented
Amost 6 month gone and still bronze 0. Good work! What a joke.