Draft win not counting
I just started playing a Quick Draft in Arena. I played three matches, winning the first, losing the second and winning the third.
After the third match, the Rank ladder didn't show up. So, when it returned to the Quick Draft screen, my progress showed only a single win.
For this issue, please submit at: https://mtgarena-support.wizards.com/hc/en-us/requests/new and select 'Report a Problem in your Event'.
Larrylurch#72167 commented
My first win in the quickdraft did not count. What happened?
Clarky73#31976 commented
Just happened to me while playing a Premier draft The Brothers' War.
I won the game but now have 3 Losses to my counter... -
JakeK#18091 commented
Same issue for me. Won 2 only counted 1.
GioGranada#38527 commented
Here's the log I generated soon after the event.