Daily Wins are breaking the health of your play queue and driving people away
The behavior of players around the 15 daily wins is turning the Standard Play queues into one of the most toxic queues in the game. You know there is a problem when the common wisdom of the game is "just play Ranked, you'll have an easier time." This stems Directly from the 15 Daily Wins quest. People seeking fast wins pile into Standard queue and grab fast aggro decks that win in 3-5 turns. However, that isn't all. Because the nature of the queue is fast games there are many players that opt for forcing a fast surrender. Roping every turn to make the game take longer is incentivized as well. If you can convince the other player to surrender and move on in a few turns then you have succeeded. It creates a zero sum situation, where the only way to play the queue is for everyone to be a troll. This includes having a deck Entirely made of removal so that neither player plays a single card and the field remains completely empty for 40 minutes as you slowly draw out your decks. Even trick decks like Tibalt's with low win rates, the point is to force a surrender early, by having a toxic deck that people recognize and immediately surrender in order to move on. It means there is no queue to test a new deck on. At least no queue to test decks on that isn't Aggro or Surrender decks.
15 wins also breaks one of the cool things about MTG. Long games. Some of the best games are the ones that can go over an hour, but with 15 wins as the goal, why would anyone spend that long? Better to surrender and keep grinding.
Then it also makes the game very anti-social. Which is to the Serious detriment of the game. You don’t have friends on MTGA, you don’t need them. You won’t play with them. You can’t get daily wins from playing with them, and you need those wins to get the coins to get the cards to build more decks. It literally disincentivizes even playing with friends at all.
This is creating a really toxic environment throughout the game that is steadily driving away both free-to-play and paying players. I've personally spent quite a bit on this game already, and this may be my last "season" as over the 4 months of playing, nearly every night I have finished my session frustrated and angry. And not because I feel like I'm "bad" at the game, but because I've had to spend a Lot of time grinding out a final few wins. I have spent Hours getting two wins, and it's simply because the draw didn't favor me. My aggro deck didn't get off the ground fast enough, or the other person drew a lucky card and was able to turn the tables once I was out of gas. For Play queue, there really isn't another answer other than queue back up and hope you have a better hand. I started out four months ago, and at the time I talked to a few friends to play this with them. Most of them dropped it within a week, citing the 15 daily wins as too much of a problem. I'm a stubborn person, so I wanted to keep pushing, I had also spent money and wanted to see some return on my investment. However I am also reaching the end of my rope with this game. 15 wins is just too much, it drives new players away from the game.
Now, there is a Very simple solution here. 5 Daily wins, then take the rewards from the other 10 and spread them out into a 35 Weekly wins setup. 5 wins will average around an hour a day, which is reasonable for “warming up” and allows for space to do other things, like play with friends or toy with the other queues for a bit. With 35 weekly then, you can be pretty sure you will clear that each week without too much trouble (5 times 7 is 35, so clearing the daily wins will net the weekly rewards by the end of the week.) It’s a very simple change, could be even better if wins against friends counted. Sure some will just trade wins quickly to get the wins out of the way, but most will just take the opportunity to play each other and have fun doing so.
If you really want to solve this though, I think you could remove the daily wins entirely and do more of a quest board. Every three months you release a new set. Have each of these sets release with a quest board that gives you rewards for playing (and/or) winning with different cards or combinations. Make players explore and truly "master" the sets as they are released. Players have three months to complete as much of the board as they can. This can be as broad as picking certain color themes or specific core cards, and having players win x number of games with them (over three months, so much less pressure) or as specific as having each card in the set have its own quest for winning a handful of games using that card.
The second option there would be a double hitter, incentivizing creative deck building, diversifying decks being played and removing the incentives for trolling. This game is so close to being a good introduction, its just falling at the finish line.
The other Big problem is the Wildcard system. What ends up happening is that players build up hundreds of Common, Uncommon and Mythic Rare Wildcards, while having 0 Rare Wildcards. Largely because decks rely Heavily on Rare cards. And what ends up happening is those Mythic Rare drops that are handed to you feel more like a punishment than a reward. What the **** am I going to do with my 30th Mythic Rare Wildcard while I’m still at 5 Rares and need 40 of them for this deck I want?
Again, simple solutions are present. The simplest would be to remove the current Wildcard system and turn Wildcards into a number value. Common become worth 2, Uncommon 4, Rare 8, and Mythic Rare 16. That number value then can be spent to purchase any card. You can even play with the purchase value, being kinder with buying a Common needing only 1 point, and a Mythic only 8, or meaner with buying a common set to 4 points, and Mythic 32. Or anywhere in between. But with a number value, now every Wildcard is valuable, and those Mythic Drops feel good, because that could be enough to put you over the value of the deck you want to build.
Further on this note, Why The **** do you not get a Rare or Mythic Rare Wildcard for drafting a 5th copy of a rare card in Limited? That is an absolutely Disgusting practice. When I found out that I wasn't getting Rare and Mythic rare wild cards from rare drafting I nearly quit right on that one. I understand turning Common and Uncommon into "Vault Progress" you get so many of them in draft. But if a player wants to Weaken their chances of winning the draft by Rare drafting, the least you can do is give them an extra wildcard for their efforts. What the **** is wrong with you guys? Do you want a sustainable player base to milk whales or not?

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McBain#29312 commented
I want to second Stephanie's comment about a lack of respect. It simply takes too long to grind out the 15 wins. It sucks hours out of every day. It's bad for people's mental health, work, and relationships. The way you've structured this is frankly unethical.
If you survey the freemium landscape, you'll see that by-and-large, collecting your daily awards means signing into the game and clicking "collect daily award." And that's how it should work here too. Why on Earth would you coerce people into playing? (Much less require them to win?) It really sucks the joy out of the game.
Azdraik#14292 commented
2 years later and they still do not gaf about the horrible daily wins. This should of been changed to Daily Games forever ago and leave 15 wins as a weekly.
stephanie glinski#33399 commented
I agree even sdd is toxic like this im sorry but having to stay awake past midnight every day us disrespectful for the person trying all ******* day to complete dailys but couldent cuz of ignorance of other players i swear if I have to again tonight im just going to quit altogether cuz it's vary unreasonable and vary disrespectful they need to delete all of the 15 win quests as a whole and forget about adding them back
Smad#52509 commented
I totally agree 👍