Color Challenge Network Error
Can’t complete color challenge. I keep getting network error for trying to complete last challenge which is the pvp.
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Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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Network error when initiating match VS player (CC match number 5).jpg 108 KB -
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Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
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Network error when initiating match VS player (CC match number 5).jpg 108 KB -
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Home screen with CC reward notice.jpg 341 KB -
Invalid deck error when saving edit. (Removed and added one Charmed Stray).jpg 153 KB -
CC deck editor showing all cards RED.jpg 405 KB -
Network error when initiating match VS player (CC match number 5).jpg 108 KB -
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FoolReaver#48006 commented
I managed to fix this for me. I jumped on the PC version (to avoid all the crashes) and replayed the tutorial.
To do so select the "Learn More" menu and then select "Replay Tutorial"When I completed the tutorial again without it crashing it actually unlocked the decks properly.
Once that happened I no longer received the "Network Failure" error. -
DeMented#29638 commented
I can't complete my challenge until I beat the pvp black. So now I have nothing todo
Buddy_Fuddy#69720 commented
To those of you able to replace every care in the starter deck to fix the bug how were you able to do that, my mage does not allow me to replace cards at all.
Buddy_Fuddy#69720 commented
Just like everyone else here i can barely progress in the game because of this bug.
I love yall but this has been happening for over TWO YEARS and its not fixed
MaxlMantisTestAlt#28007 commented
For me it worked on a testing account
On my main i had the same network error when I was about to finish the color challenge. It worked after the kamigawa patch
This issue is really bad and prevents new players from going further in the game :(
yottaka3#37967 commented
i tried to replace every single card of the starter deck. then it worked! thanks Keyefes#06620.
Bantman527#05096 commented
I've tried on android and PC and they just aren't working. I'm guessing the servers may be overloaded with all the traffic from Kamigawa and New Capenna but this is locking lots of players from playing the game more. This seriously needs to get fixed asap.
Lone#50314 commented
I have tried logging out, reinstalling and yet I still cannot access the level 5 challenge. I am playing on Android.
RewritingDavid commented
Also experiencing this with the blue color challenge. It’s the only one left for me to complete.
Max commented
This is a major thing that's need to get fixed asap
So sad people can't go further in the game because of this network error
For me it worked after the kamigawa update
But had the network error for weeks and couldn't go further -
Luca0501#34607 commented
Can’t complete color challengeV(the final challenge of black)
Luca0501#34607 commented
I can't finish my challenge 5(the final challege of the black),network error
Luca0501#34607 commented
I cant play the challengeV(BLACK).
Cat Nation#58331 commented
Mine is still broken and it does the same thing as everybody else's.
Max commented
Hi Kamps
I had the same when I started the game
It worked after a patch couple of weeks later
U asked the support to fix it? -
bobbo#88445 commented
Cannot complete any of the color challenges, and therefore cannot unlock pvp. I'm on Android. It always says Network Error. Unable to join event.
Kamos commented
WTF, the game is megabugged right now, Color Challenge's last PvP step is unplayable in ALL modes.
Keyefes#06620 commented
For some reason, I was able to complete the final stage of the Color Challenges by replacing every single card (aside from the land cards) within the starter deck. I was able to find a match then.
TroubleToils#55243 commented
How is this not fixed yet? I can't play the final color challenge for any deck. This is very disappointing.
Broletariat#03896 commented
Same issue - currently 3/5 of my rank 5 color challenges are locked.