Game Loss due to Opponent Combo off
Game timed out for me while opponent combo’ed off, lost when it went to my turn see linked video. I had zero response was on auto pass for opponents turn, timer started timing out for me, opponent finishes combo and turn my turn starts and I can’t respond to anything game auto selects demonic pact trigger targeting myself.
Shiroek95#61911 commented
This has been happening more frequently to me as well
Goatllama#50447 commented
This is possibly the biggest "feel bad" moment the game can produce. Players should not be penalized due to opponent creating so many triggers the game can't handle it.
Cheblis#86148 commented
They used an infinite loop to create so many creatures that I timed out on their turn and they won. The issue is that they weren't going to win with those creatures, they couldn't even attack. I shouldn't be penalized because they add too many triggers for your game to process.