Bug: Ranking up not working
I am playing on PC and after winning three battles in "standard ranked" my rank wont go up.
Loading screen appears after battle "waiting for server" and rank progression does not load up.
I closed and started the client again, but did not solve the problem.
Log attached.

I start the draft with ranked gold 3 with tre ' notches '
I played the draft and my score at the end was 7-2.
From gold 3 with score 7-2 the final ranked level It would have been platinum 4 not gold 1 -
NerdCore#21082 commented
Rank not going up.
I went 7-2 in my Sealed but my rank would visually go up 1 then subtract 1 every win, so I never ranked up at all.
I started the Sealed Gold 4.1 and ended it on 4.1, I should have gone up 2 for every win, so 14 then minus 2 for every loss, so my rank should have gone up by 12 pips but it didn't.
Also, when i try and report it with the game log attached the POST IDEA button hangs and i can't post it.
If you want my game log email me, in the meantime you owe me my rankings ;) -
Rodspulloff#17781 commented
Traditional standard ranked doesn't update wins, only loses. No rank change animation at the end of the battle either win or loss, and in profile it only registers loses