Scurry Oak infinite combo
I've been losing matches with Scurry Oak infinite squirrel combo, becasue my time ends even If I didn't interact with the priority of my opponent, On my turn, my time is also consumed with the combo of my opponent. Time of my opponent only should be consumed and not mine. Becasue on my turn I have a response to clean the board

Thatguy477#38176 commented
Absolutely absurd that this is happening
AwesomeSauce713#37847 commented
I just lost to this. This is assinine! They time out and then the game decides I need to be taken time while waiting on the stack...WHEN I CANNOT INTERACT WITH THE STACK!!!
WotC: Fix this so that Salty and crybaby players can't abuse this because "WeLl I cAn'T wIn, So YoU wIlL aUtO-lOsE. HaHa"
HippiePancake#33164 commented
Still not fixed, have lost 6 games now to the same combo being exploited when they have 0 cards in deck and are locked out.
Great job WotC!
Neona#57111 commented
Please fix this already. It's really obnoxious for my timer to be going down and my timeouts being used when everything is happening automatically and I'm just watching opponent infinite combo. I should not be losing my time for it.
ebolamuffins#67164 commented
I lost to scurry oak stack, I had platinum angel in play and my opponent had 150+ stacks of life gain and scurry oak. Eventually the game decided to stop taking time off my opponent and decided it was my time turn even though i couldnt do anything, by the time my opponent finally resolved all his stacks i lost the game because i was afk. How is that magic?
ShifuJavaKhan#31543 commented
Please Ban Scurry Oak. When combined with other token/counter generators it creates an infinite loop. Really Stupid and does not make gameplay fun.
Also ban Mesmeric Orb please
oneadam15#57790 commented
The combo mention in the title allows my opponent to have infinite turn time while I auto-concede for inactivity after their turn even though there was nothing I could have done during their turn (infinitely putting +1/+1-counters on Scurry Oak). If, at all, the player using the above-mentioned combo should auto-concede for inactivity/exceeding the time limit, and not their opponent. Alternatively, just ban Scurry Oak!
DevilYouKnow89#42030 commented
Bump Ban this ****
wbthomp16#38728 commented
This combo is ridiculous. Same thing happens to me multiple times a day. If I'm playing on my phone, then it freezes up and won't even let me concede. This person just won the game and probably started a new match before my game even caught up to the end of his squirrel tokens.
Tiberije#32502 commented
Last 4-5 games I played against this combo lasted 15-20 minutes and sometimes it was totally out of play since the player could not possibly win. As a result I spent 20 minutes playing one game instead of 3-4 which is really what I want to do since time is valuable for me and I dont want to spend more then I have to on my hobbies.
Considering how annoying whole time waste is if this card is not banned by the time next set is released I will just delete my arena account and you guys can keep ruining the game with all these boring *** combos that prevent people from actually enjoying the game.
TwangYoureDead#24081 commented
This just happened to me, this is utter BS. After I select resolve all I essentially pass my turn in that round of casting. After he blows his timers on oak procs, my timers shouldn't be consumed until I am able to take an action.
This card should be illegal, and the sanguine blood vito/blight combo should also be eliminated.
In fact all repeating effects should probably be removed from the game.
Jodou#85208 commented
WOW, almost two years later and NOTHING HAS BEEN DONE? How about banning the card in historic WotC? I guarantee if this happened in a tournament setting with money on the line it would be immediately banned after. It is pathetic how much we deal with from such a trash company.
Terangais#39869 commented
I see a bug report from Nov 30, 2021. Today is May 22, 2023. I lost to this same bug today. Opp does combo with Scurry Oak - Heliod. Puts a hundred triggered abilities on the stack. When they finally pass the turn my turn rope is already almost gone. I play one creature, they put another hundred abilities on the stack and my turn passes without me getting priority again because my timer runs while they are taking game actions.
Monotone#09193 commented
Appears there are multiple concerns raised for this 'Scurry Oak' infinite combo
Monotone#09193 commented
Is something like this allowed?
Barely turn 4 and there's a combo that gave this player a 27/28 creature as well as the 26 1x1 creatures while also gaining life.
Also the 'collected company' picked out the enchantment, there's nothing on that card suggests its a creature except for the 5/5.
I think you just remove it. -
GSenna#99178 commented
The same happened to me. I was playing and this same combo started to take up my time. When the player stopped and passed, I didn't have time to respond and the game automatically skipped my entire turn. I didn't have time to do anything, this is so frustrating and the game should fix this as soon as possible.
DMK218#27026 commented
this is true i pilot this deck. i did it once by mistake.
i was looking for a new deck. then found this deck
while piloting this deck. I found that the deck can run down the opponents timer before it runs mine down. If they have activations of the infinite combo.
any life gain i receive with heliod, sun-crowned (cleric class is the cheaper version of this card), and scurry oak in play i get a 1/1 squirrel. i can go infinite with that , and with a soul warden, or prosperous inkeeper in play. Anything with a "creature entering you gain a life" ability. Im just doing my due diligence here to let you know that it is possible. -
ftp#31575 commented
I've come to report this here as it's happened to me too often to let go without still being addressed by WotC. It's a bug that needs to be fixed and should be raised as a Sev 1 or 2 by the Devs/Mods.
Screenshot attached.
EditL Here I am playing Arena in Historic Ranked and my opponent is playing the Scurry Oak Bug knowingly. Time: 08:52AM 1 August 2022 GMT. Screenshot:
Nferm#51748 commented
Hi i was playing historic ranked and encounter a guy with and infinite combo, i attach the screenshot, i belive infinite combos must be prohibited, he said to me good game on second turn, it's not fair.
Also there is another one with infinite red mana combo, please fix it.
ChaoticFairness#40108 commented
It's amazing that this is still allowed to happen. It can't be difficult for Wizards to ban it, they just won't for some reason. If not Scurry Oak, then either Heliod or that innkeeper card, so that the loop can't keep happening.