Alchemy decks are invalid in Bot Match
New Alchemy deck with new Omnath and Goldspan. Go to a bot match to try it out, deck is invalid. Mouse over deck, says "invalid cards: 0"
Unable to play the deck against Sparky.
DiTschi#35809 commented
Same here: It´s not possible to play a game against the bot if you have Alchemy Cards in your deck.
Im wondering there are just a few comments.
A bit supid but working: You can export your deck to the text editor from windows and delete the "A-" before alchemy cards. Import it again and you can play against Sparky. To use it again in tournament mode you must add the deleted parts again. -
thedokta#61262 commented
Any traction to this? Would be nice to actually test cards out.
Vilbrand#94638 commented
On PC platform
01. If you select the Alchemy game mode, it will be displayed normally. (image 001)
02. If you choose Bot Match, it will show up as a invalid deck. (image 002)
03. Open the deck from deck picker, then Wizard Class is dimmed. (image 003)
04. And Deck Builder has determined that the format of this deck is Direct Game, and it cannot be changed. (image 004)
05. On the other hand, when I open this deck from the Decks menu (image 005), the Wizard Class appears correctly (image 006) and the deck format is correctly displayed as Alchemy. (image 007)For some reason, it doesn't seem to be able to recognize the Rebalanced card correctly.
luther.elmo#79903 commented
The game would not allow me to play a bot-match with a deck that included Goldspan Dragon and Faceless Haven. It did allow me to play a Bant Party deck that included the Angel of Unity.