Game crash
the game crash on the deck selection area before to join a battle.
Select the desk icon, roll the mouse wheel or the scroll bar to select your deck, then freeze and crash the game.

GodardHazard#55531 commented
Same here!
Crashes the game each time i enter /STORE and /DECKS and i can't even play my last sealed for fear of it CRASHING AGAIN -
nspc#05942 commented
There is multiple months we have this problem. The game crash realy very often at deck screen or when we want to start a game. This occurs in an other pc I use (on windows 10 too). So it is not only in a specific computer. It is realy very anoying because it crashs, I relaunch game, try to select a deck to edit it.. crash. relaunch game, go to this page again.. crash. again and again. and sometimes it works. This bug is critical, I hope it will have all the developper attention.
Dangrilo#07192 commented
I have the same problem. When i choose to edit deck, and when i try to scroll the page before a match to select the deck I will play.
Did someone already solved it?
Axtimel#70191 commented
I have the same probleme, i Unistall and reinstall the game and the bug still here.... The game crash on the deck selection...
Einyx#21410 commented
I,'ve same problem on PC Windows 10. No problems with Android on Phone.
I take a video of this crash.
Dimuz#22314 commented
Same issue.
Unistall and reinstall all windows client.
If I click on "Play" and trying to select another deck client --> crash instant.
Impossible make a game. Impossible to select a deck. I can play only with preselected deck.
In android there's no problem. -
Icosaedre#57256 commented
Same here ! Bug still present after reinstall !
Evyle#03179 commented
I have the same issue. I do not need to scroll the bar or roll the mouse wheel, just wanted to choose the 1st deck to play with it but it crashed before I can click on "Play".
It happens most of the time and it is really annoying. I found the last log (I have many others if you want as the crash happens really all the time).
I checked the requirements and my computer would be able to run MTGA without any problems.
Do not hesitate to ask you want more information. -
habraham#40205 commented
I got the same probleme is your solved ?
ooouam#43718 commented
I have the same issue