Split Standard, Alchemy, and Historic - the community didn't ask for Alch
There are numerous threads already posted, let me add my voice to the call - REMOVE OR LIMIT ALCHEMY! It has ruined Historic play, just as allowing Standard cards in Historic has.
Separate the 3 styles, if you feel you must have them; but they should be three SEPARATE formats. Historic should be all non-Standard or Alchemy cards, Alchemy can be its own little world, and Standard can be current Standard format WITHOUT ALCHEMY.
Alchemy has introduced many NPEs to the Historic (and Standard) venue, read through the comments posted about "Alchemy," here in your threads or on Discords, Twitter, Reddit and other forums. It is not as "balancing" as you thought, it's made interactions worse. And the digital card vs physical we play on the table top adds to the confusion because our physical cards have not changed!
Please separate the formats into stand-alone formats, and work on things you have heard the community ask for: more Brawl pools, Commander, Modern, Pioneer... you know, the formats your customers actually play with your physical product in FLGS around the world.
Warseer#11013 commented
CORRECTION - Historic should be all non-Standard and NON-ALCHEMY cards.