These timers are ******. If I have double the amount of scute swarms than tokens and my opponent all out attacks, I shouldn't be penalized by assigning my blocks. Situation- opponent attacks with 150 tokens +a handful of creatures, I have 240 scute swarms on the field, enough to block and attack back for the win. Opponent all out attacks and my * timers run out before getting all my creatures to block. Why am I getting penalized for assigning blockers. The same with my opponent, if he had a source to double his tokens, block my swarm and swing in for the win, then he deserves that win. Not a loss because your game is laggy and takes forever to assign blockers. The timer should stop as long as the other player is actively assigning blockers or doing something. I've even won BS games myself due to the timer while playing. The system needs. To be adjusted.