Mythic Rare Wildcard from Mastery Pass Reward not being added to user account
- Reach level 65 of Crimson Vow Mastery
- PC
- Not getting a Mythic Rare Wildcard
- Getting a Mythic Rare Wildcard
This happened not only once.
It seems rather suspicious, that somehow out of all the Mastery Pass Rewards, only the Mythic Rare Wildcards don't drop as a reward in the Crimson Vow Mastery Pass.
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TurboDivu#67003 commented
I also have not received mastery pass rewards.
Nights#68776 commented
I am experiencing the same issue. I have not received any Mythic Cards from my Matery Pass for All Will be One.
[Deleted User] commented
The Mastery Pass doesn’t grant wildcards at any level. These are random mythics
Magicflavor#68461 commented
Mastery pass is not rewarding Mythic wildcards for ONE pass. It shows mythic wild cards are the reward however, once completing that level I am rewarded with nothing.
[Deleted User] commented
This isn’t a wildcard, it’s a random mythic
S4A2G0E#08850 commented
Mastery Pass: Level 11, Reward Not Received
I completed level 11 and was expecting a mythic wildcard reward, but didn’t receive it. Please correct issue with my account at your earliest convenience.
NVBolbi#19554 commented
I have also not received my mythic card rewards from the mastery pass
shigeharu#16437 commented
I first noticed I wasn't getting card rewards at level 79 (BRO Mastery Pass) when I didn't see the mythic card. I can't remember the last time I saw the other card rewards. I'm at level 85 now, and have not gotten the new cards. I feel like I'm missing so many at this point.
Tmacattack#02244 commented
I also have not received any of the mythic cards from the premium reward track on the mastery pass.
bowzig#97702 commented
Same issue as below, now at 79 and didn't get Mythic card - not showing in card collection as a NEW card like the others are. I have a feeling this also happened on lower levels too, but wasn't paying attention at the time.
VKN#90377 commented
I have not received my mythic card reward from the Mastery Pass I bought! I am at level 79 now.
Xaronte#35241 commented
For me was on the mastery 51
Andremota#13490 commented
Hello, I also did not receive my mythic rewards in Mastery Pass.
I had two coming up in levels 28 and 32 and ended up confirming those suspicions with the weekly XP rewards -
sigma_war#79921 commented
I have not received any of the mythic cards from the Mastery pass, just noticed it now with level 51
Adi#68234 commented
Today I bought Mastery Pass for DOminaria United set but after looking into my collection I think I haven't received these "Random Mythic Cards" from "The Dominaria United" set. Please help me either by confirming these information or add these "absent" Mythic Cards.
Buckets#46237 commented
Has anyone heard from wizards about this? I bought the mastery pass and haven’t gotten the mythic card rewards…
aapop#39641 commented
I bought the dominaria united mastey pass at around level 40 and didn't recieve any of the bottom line mythic cards as rewards. I did get all the other rewards. I have also gotten the mythic card rewards that were part of the free mastey tree. So I'm missing 5 mythic cards. I bought the mastery pass during this week, maybe 3 days ago.
Riddik#29409 commented
I spent over 100 dollars in this new set and 20 for the mastery pass and I have yet to get one single mythic rare even though I passed all those stages in mastery passes. I got screwed out of my mythics in mastery set in Boulders gate too. Its too **** hard to get a hold of mythic rares and I dont like getting ripped off and feel like throwing arena away all together cause mythic rares are the only thing that makes your deck even close to competitive if your not getting mana screwed by the AI. Please fix this error issue as you are wasting my money.
OmfgItWontFi#52844 commented
I hoped it would change with dominaria united but same here... not receiving what I paid for...
FistofCury#34912 commented
Its happening again. I've had this problem since the season pass before this one and they still have not fixed it or compensated the missing cards. This is the Baldur's gate season pass now.. mythic cards are not being rewarded when leveling up.