Autotapper Incorrect Selection
Running latest version of Windows client. Autotapper failed to leave up correct mana to play card I wanted to play, considering all mana available in hand (unplayed land). This resulted in a loss that I was about to wipe the board on.
DraftBot9000#31299 commented
I'm sure we're all now used to auto-tap tapping us out of the colour of mana we actually need but there is also total nonsense behaviour in how it deals with mana creatures. I was in a life race in draft with a Deathcap cultivator, 6 untapped mana, gryff's boon in graveyard and 2 lands in hand. I activate gryff's boon to enchant the cultivator, and it taps the cultivator to enchant itself, leaving me 2 open mana to lands? and giving my opponent a free turn which almost lost me the game. Please put some actual logic into this feature or just remove it from game, I'd rather click on lands every time than continually lose competitive events because of moronic autotap decisions.