Ban Minion of the mighty
I would like someone to answer me …is it normal that I lose my match just able to play a land and a creature ?
Do. U think it’s nice enjoy this kind of games ?
22 damages while I have time only to play one land ?
Ok the game is fast but this is comic’s something the players will leave the game because it’s unreal

Fr4nZ82#30110 commented
3 times in a row today, loss of time, i'm stop playing. Very sad card and combo, please remove... MTG is a beautiful game after turn 2
Hugo Zanarde#56034 commented
Only bastards who ruin Arena use this type of card. Which should have already been banned!!! It's ridiculous. Wasting time of my life to lose in the first round. Ridiculous!
R0bz#25468 commented
Orcish bowmasters gets "balanced" yet this combo is perfectly fine? The chances to counter is very low, chance to kill it is a little better,but still not even 25%. If it's fine to do this release power 9 + berserk+ball lightning(more to the deck but this is just basic), I will be more than happy to show a literal 1 turn win, no chance to even play a land. Or bring channel and fireball back, it was almost same thing.
Emirikol#01307 commented
Turn 2 through a shock
********* card. Ban ban ban
Emirikol#01307 commented
And again, two just for good measure
Emirikol#01307 commented
And again...
This really is horse ****.And yes, I'm now going to post each and every time.
Emirikol#01307 commented
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty
Ban Minion of the mighty -
Emirikol#01307 commented
3 games in a row... all minion. All over by turn 2. You all do realize this is warping the entire arena historic best of 1 meta right? Might be time to ban this BS.
Emirikol#01307 commented
8 out of 15 games this morning. All minion. Ban ban ban.
Emirikol#01307 commented
And no, the deck isn't fragile in any sense unless you mean if you happen to have shock or fatal push. Bounce will buy you turn to think about it. With London mulligans and tons of redundant options to boost it and to bring into play with it... its not unreliable at all.
I've fought 10 of them today and not once did I get to turn 3. Sure, I could warp my decks for a card that shouldn't exist. But.. what's the point? A single card shouldn't push all mid range decks out of play, but this one sure does. Forget about any constructed competitive if you aren't tuned to kill 1 drops on turn 1.
Emirikol#01307 commented
And it's only getting worse. This card should never have been printed outside of legacy. Reliable turn 1.5 kills should not be a thing in Modern, let alone in Historic or Explorer.
The london mulligan rule makes it even worse.
The card should be banned in all non-legacy formats. And should have been months ago.
JakeBass#94697 commented
I agree, this is not at all fun to play against, I play one land and one creature, then I'm dead. Not balanced at all.
FluxMaster#16870 commented
This is not a fragile combo. It's such a centralizing deck, that it requires all decks to play turn one interaction and have further interaction plus pressure to stop it. Minion of the mighty needs to be banned. Every game against it is a non-game where you're punished for not knowing to mulligan for the specific answers needed, and punished even harder if you play a deck that would normally play a tapland on turn one.
Gogo von Vilt#11775 commented
ban that ******* thing usually won by round 2 especially when it goes first you cant do a **** about it
max#66712 commented
U talk as a fragile combo .I talk of a a trick ..we talk totally different man and u probably play it ..
If I’m with green white I can’t do anything at all .
No matter how I m expert or which cards I have -
[Deleted User] commented
It’s part of a very fragile combo deck that needs a very specific first hand to deploy