ghoulish procession triggers on token creature death
Ghoulish procession triggers when a token zombie creature dies, creating an infinite loop of zombies. Also will trigger for any token creature, instead of "nontoken" creature.

KingYoshi#73486 commented
This is still happening. Just happened to me today.
There are so many bugs in this game that people are abusing, its not even funny.
souless44#80932 commented
This is a big error and should be fixed by now. My instance was in facing a zombie deck that had clear statements that when the creature dies to create a zombie "token" creature. This makes the Ghoulish procession broken. It is indeed expoitable and can be used to cripple strategy. There are multiple creatures that can make this erronious situation take place and detracts from overall game experience for every single style of game and every single format as well.