Report Function for roping intentionally
Countless times in my experience (and I'm sure thousands of others experiences) has the opponent decided that they are losing the match or that it is not going their way. No one is a stranger to flooding out, getting mana screwed, or simply not finding the answers that your deck can provide and I understand this frustration; it is simply in the nature of a game where you draw cards at random and sometimes it sucks. Taking the intentional action of AFK'ing or simply waiting for all of your ropes or accumulated time-outs in spite of this frustration is, however, not something any player should have to deal with. Not everyone runs on the same schedule and it whittles down a players ability to play. The consistency of this "tilt" behavior in my experience has been somewhat ridiculous - to the extent that the time spent waiting for a player to actually rope out to the end of a game can take multiple minutes and if happening multiple times accumulates to the length of a full game or more that the victimized player could have enjoyed. Its an act of bad sportsmanship that makes the game less enjoyable over time and adds frustration where none should exist.
Simply enough if you decide that the game is not going your way, the only difference between intentional roping and respectfully conceding is that you genuinely waste your opponents time and put a sour taste in their mouth for the conduct displayed.
I believe the potential is there to provide a relatively failsafe reporting function that ties into this player conduct that could look something like this:
Player decides they are going to lose or decide its not going their way and AFK's to intentionally waste the opponents time.
After no actions have been detected from a player and after 0 timeouts have been reached (and before the game will forcefully conclude an end, as you still have to pass priority and go through responses/turns after all time outs before the game automatically defaults a loser/winner) an option to report the player for intentional time-out should appear. This report would add an accumulating offense count for this category.
After say... 3-5 offenses, if a player regularly displays this behavior, they earn a temporary suspension that triggers upon the decided count. Lets say in the range of 1-5 hours.
Pushing past 10 offenses, this should trigger a longer suspension, Potentially 24-48 hours.
Pushing higher offenses, past say 20 times of repeatedly displaying this behavior, this should earn suspension of up to a week if not longer, if not permanent to the extent that you would have to appeal your case to remove it and play once again.
I believe this would benefit the health of the game and if done well - eliminate this behavior.
For the sake of players who lose connection and are not intentionally roping on a consistent basis, you could apply a time frame that your accumulated offenses in this category would reduce as long as there are not repeated offenses within 30 days, or an otherwise decided length of time.