Two Headed Giant
Something which my friend and I have repeatedly lamented is the lack of sufficient multiplayer options in Magic Arena. Currently Arena offers the capability to play private 1v1s as the only direct method of enjoying the game communally. While we do discuss our decks and current matches together, the lack of a format such as Two Headed Giant certainly hinders the ability to play the game cooperatively. Seeing as how this feature was present in Arena's predecessor Magic Duels, as well as the prior 2012/2013/2014 Duels of the Planeswalkers games, it makes Arena's lack of 2HG or private free for alls appear in stark contrast to the previous titles. For anyone like us who enjoyed the prior games greatly, it leaves Arena feeling lacking in the "fun with friends" department, which one could argue is perhaps the most important aspect of Magic's success. A Two Headed Giant mode would give players more reason to play past their daily quests, taking on other teams with a friend and enjoying the game in a totally different way than is currently available on the platform. Put simply, few people would find it as fun to log on to any game and queue separately than to queue up together. As is the case with most multiplayer games, they tend to be more fun with friends at your side. The ability to build and synergize decks and strategies together with a friend in a 2v2 format is a unique and enjoyable experience which would certainly draw in more people to play more often. When the topic has been asked in the past, the primary response seems to be a fear of exceeding the system limitations of mobile phones, however as the game is already far more demanding than the average phone can handle it would seem like Arena is being held back by a needless concern. Putting aside the fact that Magic Duels contained the mode while being available on iOS, it would surely be possible to at least implement this beloved mode for the desktop version of the game.

DevilHD#32220 commented
I'm starting to believe that we'll never see a multiplayer option in MTG Arena. Such a disappointment, until they add it for me this game it's just a lazy money-grab.
BurntTech#13751 commented
I can't agree more. This has stopped folks that use to play magic that would have played with me but don't do physical cards or are remote. Arena has positives when it comes to game play speed and over all game client is good. The modes of magic play are super disappointing.