Explorer Brawl please
Brawl without all of the digital card nonsense. What a treat that would be.

Legomancer#14366 commented
Alchemy cards make it so freaking miserable. I see a golden A infront, auto concede. Can't waste time with broken ******** cards. "Hiding" 40 cards in one deckslot is incompentant game design.
edit: Alchemy cards are what insure that I will NEVER spend money on this app.
Pastapockets#87184 commented
HBrawl is one of the last places Alchemy cards have a home as nobody gives a **** about historic or alchemy. Wizards will force Historic Brawl to remain as is so they can justify their blunder that is Alchemy. Just remember: If you play brawl, the Arena devs hate you. They want you to have a miserable time and then go back to shilling for expensive standard decks.
DeGlaive#72740 commented
I have many interesting non-standard commanders I would like to try. But I have no interest in playing Alchemy.
OneOfThePetes#57928 commented
Yeah. I don't want to play against alchemy ****.
Explorer brawl... ranked..... Or Commander.