Limited Rebalanced MISSING from Direct Challenge options
There is no way to use Alchemized cards (the ones with the A next to their name) in a 40-card direct challenge.
Players can make "limited rebalanced" decks, but it seems there is absolutely no way to use those decks (like Wizards forgot). If you make a challenge with those decks, all the Alchemy cards revert to their paper versions. There is no "limited rebalanced" challenge option.
Since the current draft set is an Alchemy set, please fix this so that we may play the set as intended.

Iceman_#31471 commented
I'd like to add to this, please include this format. It would be a huge boon to cube curators.
Terrhy999#92338 commented
This has been reported almost 2 years ago and still no update?
migucheras#93497 commented
It's currently impossible to play the set as intended among friends in our weekly draft league.
Please fix this, should be trivial to add a "40 card rebalneced" option when there's already the "40 card" and the "60 card rebalanced" one.
Thanks for your attention.