Audio Bug: Audio desyncs then no audio
Since July 2022 update, after playing a few short games or even one long game, audio becomes de-synced, and then audio cues stop playing, then all audio drops out. Restarting the program fixes it until it happens again after just a few matches. No other problems with game, my audio, or my PC.

jomtones#92342 commented
Anyone at Wizards actually read this?
Same problem here for ages on M1 Mac. Tried reinstalling the game, same problem. -
Valarin#38454 commented
Almost one year since posting and this bug still not resolved. Apparently WOTC don't care as long as money continue to flow through the store. In the past two days had to restart game like 10 times just cause of the annoying whooshing sound after audio breaks midgame.
JDIR#99016 commented
Right, sure this game have high quality 3d audio/super big room reverb to render some times audio will delay, if you play without gpu card/direct play.
Pastapockets#87184 commented
The fact that this is still unfixed tells you that nobody on the arena team has booted this game up at all in over a year.
Benny5#81315 commented
Updated and now lost all audio.
Relaxgasm#93280 commented
same issue on my macbook pro, please fix the bug
Le_Nerd#27932 commented
In my opinion, audio to a game, regardless of how mechanically important it is to play the game, is still critical for immersion and just all around enjoyment of the game. You don't really pay attention to it while it's happening, but when it's gone, the silence is deafening and you can't seem to ignore it.
Ajax#54371 commented
Same issue
joonmonsoon#79524 commented
This is a very annoying bug indeed, whenever starting MTGA client on my Mac (M1), the SYSTEM Audio is somehow compromised: e.g. the frequency of running audio in the web browser is pitched down. Also quality is reduced. Starting the game client SHOULD NOT affect my System Audio properties.
manzoo#63413 commented
a few log lines :
[769217] AudioManager: Failed to PostEvent: sfx_basicloc_return_card on Object: CDC #810
[769269] AudioManager: Failed to PostEvent: sfx_basicloc_place_whoosh_flying on Object: CDC #811
[769269] AudioManager: Failed to PostEvent: sfx_mana_payout on Object: CDC #811
[769269] AudioManager: Failed to PostEvent: sfx_basicloc_draw_card_multi on Object: CDC #811thaaks for the future fix
some person commented
I'm thinking all the devs have muted their speakers and dont check for audio errors.
AcrylicPickle#43246 commented
Still an issue apparently. Ugh....
OldMagicGuy#56933 commented
My iPad pro M1 while playing MTG Arena ONLY!! has had zero audio for over two months! The iPad works perfectly and plays sound on every other app that has sound. This is very frustrating! why cant this be fixed?
I have uninstalled the app. reinstalled and still does not fix the problem. Please fix!
Seikensh0ck#85287 commented
This issue has been ongoing for multiple patches and you still haven't fixed the issue....
FearlessKenji#49544 commented
This has been a massive bug for a while now. Why has this not been hotpatched?
reptileprince#36970 commented
please fix this, the audio cues are EXTREMELY important especially when the hour glass comes up
TNor#32396 commented
Being legally blind I really depend on the special effects audio to let me know that an action occurred. This audio bug makes the game board line unplayable.
PaperBowser#69696 commented
It makes the game borderline unplayable, and it came with the update. It's an issue you've already had in previous releases. FIX IT!
Tagf#90560 commented
Fix this!!!!
Rattlebone#43627 commented
This bug is absolutely horrific. Haven't experiences issues this embarrassing since my Sound Blaster 16 has the wrong drivers installed.