Rebalanced & Regular Card Counts Combined
After the 7/14/22 update, when editing decks containing any card that has both a normal and a rebalanced version, the number of cards shown as owned is incorrect. It displays a combined count of the two card versions.
For example, if you own 2 copies of Esika's Chariot and Alchemy Esika's Chariot, the deck editor shows you as having 4 copies of Esika's Chariot instead of 2 copies of each separate version.
Even when the card count is displayed correctly, decks with any of these cards may still come up as invalid when saved and require you to use wildcards to finish them, despite having all cards.
Gingeruprising#57103 commented
I have been noticing it over the past few days but my wild cards seem to be crafting themselves. Yesterday I had 2 Esikas Chariot and today I have four. It has happened with several other cards and I lose the wild cards without spending them
reverien#37175 commented
bonjour j'ai eu un soucis, j'ai créé mon deck avec des cartes que j'ai déjà craft et j'ai eu un message d'erreur indiquant qu'il m'en manquait deux rares (apres plusieurs vérifications ce n'était pas le cas, rien ne s'affichait en rouge et le logo de craft n'était pas présent non plus) j'ai donc enlevé une par une le problème était luminarch aspirant que je possédais déjà en 4 exemplaires j'ai donc du craft 2 dans le vide pour que mon deck soit jouable j'aimerais recuperer les deux wild cards rare qui ont été dépensé dans le vide
Whole Apple Person#78601 commented
1. My collection shows four copies of a card (Esika's Chariot) and I believe I should indeed have four. I can add up to four copies to a deck and they do not appear with a red border on the quantity indicating cards not in your collection. The "Craft All" option for crafting cards to finish the deck does not appear. However, when I go to complete the deck by clicking "Done" the error message for having cards in the deck that are not in your collection appears.
If I reduce the number to two copies of the card, there is no issue.
Interestingly, in the "My Decks" menu it shows the wildcard crafting flower on the deck, and if I select the deck the button to craft all the needed cards to complete the deck appears. I have not attempted to "complete" the deck in this manner, as I don't want wildcards to disappear to what may be an issue.
When I look for Esika's Chariot in my collection, it shows two copies of the "standard" version and two copies of the Alchemy version (A - Esika's Chariot.) However, in the deck builder, as detailed above, it shows four copies available regardless of format, with no red border on the quantity. (I.e. when I set the deck format to Standard it shows I have four copies of Esika's Chariot, and when I set the deck format to Alchemy it shows I have four copies of A - Esika's Chariot.)
This bug appears to occur with other cards with rebalanced Alchemy versions (A- Triumphant Adventurer, etc.)
2. iOS
3. Detailed above; the deck builder shows four copies of the card in my collection, but I get the "deck contains cards not in your collection" error if I add more than two to a deck.
4. I would expect the deck builder to show the actual number of copies in my collection when making a deck, or showing the red border on quantity if I lack enough copies.
Causation#63340 commented
I made a deck. I put 2x Goldspan Dragon in that deck.
I already own 2x Goldspan Dragon. I put them in my deck because I own them.
When I wanted to save my deck, the game kept telling me the deck contained two mythic cards I do not own, and would not let me play the deck.I had to use the "craft all" button, which crafted two more Goldspan Dragons which I do not want to own. This consumed 2x mythic wildcards crafting cards I did not need.
UniversalMage#82934 commented
Hello, I have noticed that randomly, the game is showing that I own additional copies of certain cards that I never opened. Such as 4 meathook massacre (I own 3. No craft card option appears for these cards, only an error that I have included cards not in my collection. How do I remove these phantom cards?
Mythir#20178 commented
I have the card in my collection, but the game doesn't recognize it.
Nemo XIII#35568 commented
All cards in my collection which have a standard version and a rebalanced alchemy version, can’t be added to my decks !!
I have the error message : « deck contains cards not in your collection »
(Of course i can’t draft them because they are in my collection)
It’s a big problem ! -
Achilles#87764 commented
I have 2 copies of Misc & Boo plasewalker, but when I create a deck I get a message saying I don’t have the cards. If I just play with 1 copy I can play.
I am having similar problems with Tyvar Kell. I have 4 copies, but I can’t use more than 2 copies.
mLk_Prod#46369 commented
Need to be fixed asap, split Alchemy and Standard card as soon as possible. Too much confusion
darkzen#09774 commented
I have the same problem the Game is counting my 4 copies as being from rebalance and their original sets. so, if I make a deck, it says I am missing rare cards. so far support has done nothing for me just told me to report here and vote. anyone good with reddit or twitter see if you can get some MTG players out there to get some eyes on the issue maybe they will attempt to fix it if more votes come in.
JPSBP#25353 commented
I reported before that I bought a 3rd and 4th Acererak, the Archlich and was told I had 4 but could only play 3 (adding the 4th gave a message that I did not have the card). I was told this is a previously reported error re counting Rebalanced and Regular Cards together. But this does not address my problem which is quite disconcerting, I an not allowed to buy another, so the most I can put in my deck in 3 Acererak. Is there any work around? If not, when will it be fixed?
Thalinor#87685 commented
Obwohl ich den Erdbebendrache 4x in meiner Bibliothek besitze erscheint jedesmal, wenn ich ddén 4. ten Erdbebendrache hinzufügen möchte die Fehlermeldung:
Das Deck enthält Karten die nicht in meiner Sammlung sind.
Royさん#32960 commented
Baklava#18367 commented
Error: card not in collection when building a new deck despite the fact the cards are in my collection. It keeps bugging on new cards I have crafted.
Requiem7#16811 commented
My collection shows I have 4 standard Goldspan Dragons. If I add more than 2 to my deck, the deck builder doesnt flag that any are missing, but when I save the deck, it says I need to craft 2 of them.
The only recent changes were adding a starter kit code to my account and buying some gems and packs.
angus007#06508 commented
The game says that I don't have a second Monster Manual in my collection even though it shows two in the deck builder.
BrewMage#34544 commented
Yeah, definitely can't add any new cards to existing decks. It's ruining the game for me.
Cryptfiend#41541 commented
I’m having the same issue right now
BrewMage#34544 commented
I had been using a deck and added some additional cards to it, got the Invalid Deck: Contains Cards not in your collection error. now I cannot build a deck without getting this error unless its all basic lands. ALL THE CARDS ARE IN MY COLLECTION. Very frustrating. Please fix this bug as soon as possible.
rvieira#88671 commented
I having same problem, when I try add two Luminarch Aspirant card in my deck, after save changes on my deck, the MTGA shows a message saying "Deck contains cards not in your collection", however in my collections contains two cards instead of one.