Not receiving Mythic Rewards on Mastery Pass
I have not received any of my Mythic Card Rewards on the battle pass. I’ve been receiving only common or uncommon.
I am level 79.

GreasyMidget#98857 commented
This is now happening to me as well. have not received the mastery pass rewards for the last few levels.
DeffZeddmore#80159 commented
The mythic rewards for my mastery pass won't show up as "new" and I can't figure out which ones they were let alone if they were claimed. Usually I'm prompted saying "claimed" but I'm not seeing it for the rewards when the level is completed. Additionally, why I'm here in this comment section is that the mastery was supposed to give me multiple cards one being mythic at least and haven't received any of them. I've searched for them, and I've used all filters, but they haven't shown up. the card on top was "Olivia, Opulent Outlaw at level 52. "
rooooooooo#36362 commented
same. some rewards just aren't working. I just got level 57 and was supposed to get a mythic at 56 and it didn't give me one and I don't think it gave me orbs earlier either. wtf man I paid for the mastery pass for then
DSchermer#27888 commented
Same here, i noticed that 2 mythic card reward were missing but not all of them (currently level 62 on the WoE mastery pass).
samiullah#96571 commented
I have not received any of the uncommon card rewards from premium mastery pass beyond level 70. Currently at level 76.