Forced draw with a deterministic win
Had: Paradox Engine, Emry Lurker of the Loch, Kinnan Bonder Prodigy and Chromatic Sphere. Was looping sphere to infinite draw/mana into Karn The Great Creator to win.
Was forced into a draw because of looping sphere??

Polys#17407 commented
and omg until now this abuse still lives on then what dies next? money?
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Mr.Maniacal#79924 commented
I’ve ran into this problem about a dozen times now. I am playing a creativity deck that uses Serra Emissary to lock out opponents, and use two copies of Gaea’s Will to prevent deckout.
Without exception, when I lock out the infinite lifegain Scurry Oak combo deck and have a deterministic victory, they put hundreds of triggers on the stack and force the game to lag out, resulting in a draw. This is an abuse of the games programming to gain an unfair advantage in ranked, and generally against the spirit of the game.
I ask that there be some sort of total game timer like MTGO, or there be some sort of detection for large stacks of triggers that contain only triggers caused by one player, and results in a clearing of said stack or a loss for the player trying to abuse the servers.
Thank you, and I hope this is addressed soon.