draft broken, voulnd't cast spells, land and creature forzne in time, wrong turn and phases
just sad pile of bugs over bugs ruined my game expeirence and running of my draft. With a perfect connection the game keeps freeing lagging and timing me out multiple times, which might still be accetable and comprensible for random errors.
But the situation got ridiculous when my big hitters got frozen in time tapped and umpossible to use or know what had happened (couldn't be decleared as attacker, moveed, active bailities or such)
later my tunr kept skipping with blu color of pahese instd of orange....
i had a land which i couldn0t play for couple turns...when i in the end i played it it just ghosted.
I had 6 lands in playtried playign a 6 drops but the client wouldn't let me do it asking to tap for 6 mana (umpossibel to achieve with the ghosted land)....
in the end i ended up loosing an easy game with a mssive advatage in board state and life just because i was fighting the client more than i was fighting my opponent...
I think that after such a poor runnign the minimum you owe me is my entri fee back and even more...