first strike deathtouch bug
was playing against greenblack 3/3 first strike creature
so put 2 creatures in front of it a 3/3 and a other one pumped big enough to kill it
instead of 1 dying on first strike they both died
costing me the match

Icequake1#50814 commented
First strike is not multiple strike. Two creatures blocking same creature cannot first strike both. especially. they both have more health than either other creature, The first creature would still take damage before they die. it is not different fast effects on the defending creatures.
GnarGnarTuffbum#97559 commented
^ I don't know if that's a bug. In some cases you have the option to distribute damage when being blocked my multiple creatures. In this case, if the creature is a 3/3 with first strike and deathtouch, it will automatically "distribute" 1 deathtouch damage across three creatures, killing each of them, and only then would take damage by a fourth (since it has no power left to deal damage with). I have noticed creatures with trample seem to override this?
TheeSnork#66638 commented
I blocked a 3/3 1st strike/deathtouch with 2 6/6 dinosaurs. Instead of the 3/3 killing 1 and then being killed by the 2nd, the 3/3 killed BOTH 6/6 dinosaurs and survived. I can NOT play several of my decks due to this error. All an opponent needs is 1 creature with 1st strike and deathtouch and you automatically lose unless you have a kill card available!
DaddyDude#17584 commented
I've seen issues with first strike multiple times. One example, I was attacking with a 4/4 creature and my opponent blocked with a 6/5 that had first strike and vigilance, I then cast Battle-Rage Blessing giving my creature indestructible and deathtouch. At the end of the battle both creatures survived, when it should only have been mine. My opponent had no other enhancements in play, and their other creatures had no abilities that would have saved their blocking creature. They also did not cast any counters during my turn.
MisguidedIntuition#16469 commented
Don't have a log or a screenshot, but the exact same thing happened to me. Opponent attacked with Glissa, placed 4 creatures in front of her buffing the last one so I can cause lethal damage, and even though she had 3 power (and 5 defense due to equipment) she coasted through 1/3, 2/3 and 1/1 killing all of them somehow leaving the last 4/5 creatures alone thus costing me lethal damage to her.
Shame that this doesn't have many votes, this is really annoying, especially as Glissa is quite popular in limited.