Shuffler sucks
Your shuffler sucks ***. Today I have played 3 matches in historic brawl, the first one went great as land drops were good. The second one I had to mulligan and went into a 3 land hand and did not draw another land until 7 turns later. Next I played a landfall deck in which I run 60 lands and started with a 4 land hand and did not draw another land until 8 turns later. This is frustrating at times and makes the game no fun at all.
GoWokeGoBroke#59614 commented
If the shuffler, and the server code, weren't made to manipulate draws and act fairly, they wouldn't have a problem submitting their code to a 3rd party for review. This process is done by online poker rooms to assure the fairness of their games. Wizards absolutely refuses to do this. That should tell you all you need to know about the fairness of their games.
Itsthawiz89#67502 commented
I'm recording video proof of the way the algorithms work. If your can record a consistent pattern there's no way they can defend against that in court. I want my money back for this rigged game!
MtGEmPty#75115 commented
Agreed - it's a complete joke - always has been - in the Beta they had a forum where this was discussed in length - but the fan bois kept up their usual rhetoric. The official answer from WOTC was the " both players have the same shuffler so it's fair and balanced" they do not care about actual game play experience. The shuffler is a meme. I just completed a set of games that the opponent had a deck of 250 cards and somehow always had the perfect response to my plays - I had won 3 in a row at that point, then surprise - 3 losses. In 6500 games I am at 51% - on the draw 45% on the play 55% - Shows the obvious issues. They do not care - I don't spend a penny on this ****.
Ipz#01386 commented
Your shuffler is rigged. When you get a hand you'll have one of several possibilities.. Creatures, removal, land... Etc, whatever your deck is based off.. ie: enchantments, creatures, whatever. You never seem to get a random 7 drop with a creature, removal, etc. So you get rotated through various scenarios until you do hit a golden hand. If you watch your opponent, they'll be in one of those scenarios too. They'll have all the reactions, no creatures, all the creatures and no reactions, or just put down stuff like artifacts or enchantments.
Your Discord community is toxic. I wasn't rude with my issue but was muted for using the feature in the discord to post my Feedback. They said they warned me about conspiracy theories? We're talking about a shuffler, not the illuminati
Abraxxas80#19836 commented
I feel ya bro, happen to me as well 99% of the time, specially if u play ranked, and when u dont get mana screwed u get mana flooded..... Simply disgusting because it´s obviously on purpose i tested it by playing 1000 games in every mode and the difference between "play" and "ranked" its HUGE. Against the bot seems to be the most real sad Wizards so sad......i used to spend money in this game mostly to suppport it because i think MTG is a masterpiece but now the only thing that i can give to them its my middle finger.