Quest not progressing
My daily quests have simply stopped progressing when I was almost done with them. Please Wizards, I would really like this extra gold since it's the last day before the new set.
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crimson30#37420 commented
I've only played one round today, attacked plenty of times (won with Elves), and the daily quest of attacking with creatures is still at zero.
ArmaBecker#37506 commented
Bug freezer
David254#53595 commented
Daily quests are not advancing when casting the required color spells.
Luke27xx#52245 commented
same here, event progress is stucked to 0 wins, and quests around 70%
LordLake#15598 commented
Yep, Played Explorer and won with my mono black deck. No reward. Should have been the first win of the day...
Enderlie#31960 commented
If my quest would've updated like they should've I would've been able to buy the draft token this morning before the switch over to the new set happened :(
and on top of that because my quests wouldn't register as completed, I started the new set with the same quest making it so I couldn't earn any additional coins from the new set like I would usually be able to. -
ENm#89020 commented
I used monoR till my 9th (or nearby) to 15th weekly win so I must have cast more than 30 red spells.
I didn't count kills but probably killed 25, if not because of Kumano's ability to exile them. -
Ours de Feu#88928 commented
Same for me..
crimson30#37420 commented
Same. I was progressing and suddenly no progress. Restarted client. Nothing seems to help.
Smoolz#86651 commented
Also having this issue with all 3 of my quests, rip nearly 2k gold.
Konstantius#84928 commented link doesn't work, it redirects you simply here, even if you try to forcefully stop the web page and fill the report, this time it returns a blank page. WotC employees please don't advice us, just do what you should do.
Konstantius#84928 commented
Same happened to me today, all 3 quest progression has stopped just after a bugged match cancellation.
MerlinZero#05757 commented
seeing this now too.
GignomaiYK#85303 commented
Same here.
Onyx_baelfire#90161 commented
same here. dailies not progressing
sssk#54780 commented
BLACK_X#30456 commented
Same bug. 1750 gold total and can't progress any of it
Atromitos#12164 commented
stuck at 14/20 blue or black spell, stuck at 11/25 lands and no progress with cast white or black spell
DuskRequiem#33816 commented
I too have now completed 3 quests that I should have received rewards for, however, they are no longer progressing despite having fulfilled the conditions enumerated by said quest. I would like compensation for the time and effort put into completing them as it is the last day of the set and i spent multiple extra hours online attempting to complete them with this goal in mind. TYVM. If you need additional logs, please let me know what to send and I will be happy to send it.
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Atromitos#12164 commented
My quest not progressing