Cant add land to draft or sealed deck.
I am unable to add land to my MoM sealed deck, as well as my Draft deck. The former add land button/filter now displays 'battle' cards , if any are in the card pool,instead of lands.

CapnSafety#48016 commented
This is happening to me on android, where I am currently in a draft and cannot complete my deck due to not being able to access basic lands.
BeerBellyBandit#48839 commented
Same issue on ios, lands only show battles and has made deck building useless. The lands can not be searched, seen or found. The only lands available are non-basic lands. It’s a real handicap to have half your lands enter the field tapped…
willdaBEAST#83841 commented
I've had this same issue when playing on iOS. One quasi workaround is to use non-basic lands, but this is an an annoying bug
ahennessey5#64990 commented
When I attempt to build a deck, basic lands do not show up and cannot be searched, thus making the process of building a deck impossible. Also, “battles” are showing up as lands instead of the actual “lands” when the filter is applied
Touche'#85761 commented
I am unable to add lands to my deck. When I select the colors and hit the land icon it states that “no cards could be found with the current filters”. I have no other filters selected.