Just scrap poison already or give us an option to opt out of the mechanic
Poison is a broken, unbalanced mechanic. That's not an opinion. In context it's like shock, two damage, except it can't be prevented or healed. So if you were playing a lifegain deck, sorry, we're not using that mechanic. And these days it's strapped onto anything. Counterspell, get poisoned, sacrifice a creature and get poisoned. And don't get me started on the design oversight that is the venerated rotpriest. There's no way to prevent it or block it, except for one creature, and she doesn't neuter the strategy like she used to. Poison counters were always a bad idea, but you made them worse. If a player is playing poison, it's a different game. This mechanic is toxic, in every sense of the word, and I think less of you as designers for bringing it back, nevermind offering no countermeasures, and giving it routes to sidestep the only methods there ever were. You can't even burn it with fire anymore without poisoning yourself. Fix it, let this alternate win condition play in its own little corner, or better yet, ban it. You've banned cards for less than what some of these can do.
You should never have brought it back, and you know that.

callofgeorge#82468 commented
poison win con either needs to go up from 10 to at least 15, prevent proliferate from affecting it, or release more cards that can negate poison counters.. there truly aren't enough ways to deal with it.. you can't outburn it right now.. you can't trample/stomp them down fast enough.. asside from the 2 cards i think that can deal with it (1 being a high cost), counter deck is probably the only way to beat it..
Blastbeat666#86729 commented
I suggest a rule : at end of turn, if you gained 3 lives or more this turn, remove a poison counter.