Opponents triggered effects eat my Time outs
Opponent has effects that trigger double digit effects, I click resolve all, it takes a while for all the effects to resolve, long enough that timeouts get used up. However, even though they are his effects that are triggering(and only his effects) and I have clicked resolve all, my timeouts get used up, instead of his.

elf#44645 commented
There are two that I've found. The first one is that when you're looking at the top card of your library with Vivien or realmbreaker for example, and you draw a card, the card you drew isn't necessarily the card that was on the top of your library. The second one is the one that has me mad by far. I'm playing my token deck vs a life gain deck from my opponent, so there are a lot of triggers going off. There's so many triggers going off that I'm not allowed an attack phase because of my opponents triggers. This isn't even close to fair. Please fix these bugs.