draft game counted as a loss when my opponent conceded
I was at playing Throne of Eldraine Premier Draft. 6th game (my record was 3-2). My opponent conceded on the 11th turn, and my screen said Victory. I have the game record on 17lands, yet, I was given a loss and the draft screen said I now had 3 losses. I would like (at least) my 4 win prize and another draft. I spent 1500 gems.

thewizardcops#50947 commented
I was playing WOE Premier draft and I won due to an opponent's concession (i had a 2/2 on board and Eritte's apple and he had no blockers and 4 life, so i had the game won). The game froze for a bit on the victory screen, and when I got back to the draft screen it said I had 3 losses and it was time to claim my prize. It did not count a win at all, I should have been at 4 wins 2 losses and instead was at 3 wins and 3 losses.
gobias#49439 commented
screenshot from 17lands showing the winning turn
gobias#49439 commented
Screenshot from 17lands showing 4 wins, 2 losses