Quick Draft Quest No Progression
I decided to spend some of my gold to do the Quick Draft Quest (the blue one) and started a WOE Quick Draft event. After playing 3 matches I went to check on my quest progression, since I didn't get the reward prompt, only to find out that it's still at 0/3. Immensely disappointed as I won't have enough gold this month to do another draft and get the Halloween pet, so I'd have to wait a whole other month to attempt to do this quest again.
aliaras#35805 commented
I also experienced this problem. It was really frustrating as I spent gems on quick draft specifically to complete the quest. I would not have spent the gems if it weren't for the quest.
TMoney111#89377 commented
Just completed a quick draft and there’s no progress showing toward the quest.
Marmu#86736 commented
New account quickdraft no progression quest and u have reward 3 jeton for lvl 4 progression i play 1 times and now i don t have jeton in my account.
Nyogtha#15121 commented
Same here, signed up for quickdraft and no progression on the quest
LordOfDegeneracy#30371 commented
The same happened to me, worse is I suck and lost 3 times in a row, way to add insult to injury... :<
3Dominate#78571 commented
Same thing happened to me. Played 4 matches of Quick Draft Wilds of Eldraine and got 0/3 progress.
pluto#25493 commented
Quick draft no quest completion. Please fix.
Ixdaer#77571 commented
Decided to do a quickdraft event to complete associated mission with 1k gold prize.
After losing 3 quickdraft matches in a row (I'm terrible at draft format) no progress was shown and no option to collect reward was shown .
Mission states only to complete 3 quickdraft matches it doesn't say that wins are required, so me losing should have completed the mission.
I don't normally play draft format as I'm bad at it, and would rather get wild card progress from buying booster packs. Had I known that there was an issue with the mission I never would have wasted coins on the quickdraft.
Walls#34138 commented
Same here, played 10 quick drafts, no quest completion.
Vice#17172 commented
Same problem as other commenters. Saw 0/3 progress 2 games into the quick draft, figured it was waiting until the draft ended to count towards progress. Just finished draft and saw it was still stuck at 0/3. Would appreciate a fix!
tom#53827 commented
Me too
MTGPathfinder#09118 commented
Same thing happening to me
I thought it was a problem due to the fact that the quest was intended only for new player completing the sparky mastery and that it appeared in my quests list because of a bug when i playied for fun some match in the color challenge and starter decks duels, and because of that I could not complete it.
Indeed in this comment section I discovered that Also new players are having the same issue and that the problem started when the quick draft changed again in WOE limited from BRO limited
I am going to directly contact the costumer service -
Draco#36196 commented
same thing went 7 wins no progress
Drewstep#42705 commented
Same thing happening to me
Tannage#57201 commented
Just did a quick draft for the quest aswell and the quest didn't update
Thenewmessija#06611 commented
I had seven wins in a quick draft but there was no submission in my quest.
Phantomshadow89#87797 commented
Hi! i have the same problem.
As you can see only one step and i made 7 wins.
What can I do? -
ArchmageAharon#72602 commented
I logged back onto arena for the first time in a while and noticed a new quest available. It was to complete 3 quick draft matched. Because I had not played WOE limited yet, I decided to just do a quick draft. I went 6-3 in the event, but didn't complete the quest. Am I missing something about this?
NyX#92805 commented
I'm making the sparky quests, but i'm stucked in the quick draft mission.
I make the quick draft with the token i received but it don't count.
I make another quick draft and still don't count. -
ChadHex#91825 commented
I'm in the same boat.