Favorited Card Styles Not staying selected
Favorite Card Styles not staying selected after log out. This includes lands also.
This appears to have became an issue with the WOE Alchemy update
Badaro#36157 commented
Same issue here, it seems to have forgotten ALL my favorites, and even if I set those again it gets lost if I close+reopen Arena.
Valarin#38454 commented
Confirmed! All my default favorite card styles and lands were wiped after WoE alchemy patch. Selecting those styles again as favorite will only impact the current game session because all new data is wiped as i exit game. When creating a new deck the default lands used by deck manager aren't even from the latest set but from Lord of the Rings.
Elysium#10211 commented
I confirm! I have the same issue!
Mr BadDragon#61954 commented
Since the latest update, the favorite style for cards is not persisting between sessions in MTG Arena. For example, I want a particular land for islands so you select the heart icon and that land is used by default.
Since the last update, these settings reset each time I log onto the client.