Card style button
So apparently yall removed that super-simple card style button next to the crafting button and we have to search for the cards we want to change the style? Yall are dumb. Bring it back.

Thomas Swole#03209 commented
Is thier any workarrond for this card style problem?
I really would like the alternate card stlyes for some of these plansewalkers.But you guys dont seem to want to take my money.
MayflowerWatson#76246 commented
Or make a filter that lets us see cards with alternate styles only.
Billy Bobby Brown#35737 commented
There is another problem while I play a game I don't see my card styles properly but when making a deck, I see it perfectly fine. Please explain this wizards of the coast. I didn't spend a decent amount of money for nothing. Please fix!
KingKlarence#01239 commented
I've drafted a chromatic cube deck and two tri-lands that I don't have or have the styles for wont let me put them in the deck probably until I buy the styles but I obviously don't want to. This is on mobile so I can't just drag them in. Quite a pain when I need the fixing lol.
Kind regards,
looter#17704 commented
Please bring back the card style button and old interface, the new way of picking alternative art for cards is so awful.
VUALR#67217 commented
Bogus asf. Spent all this money on card styles to flex on the newbies and it’s gone? Man y’all got some realization to come to cuz you losing money at this point 👍 good job wizards
biokinetic#42966 commented
It seems like everything has already been said on this topic other than the fact that this change has made me stop caring about card styles entirely. Understand that the implementation of "default card style" might have required some sub-par decisions to be made but this is a prime example of listening to the people complaining the loudest and making the product worse.
Eds7777#63601 commented
I have a made deck and tried to add an art card to an existing creature in the deck and could not figure out how to do it. please advise made decks are hard for me ... do I have to delete the creature from the deck and then hit the alt art but that seems to make me craft an a new card and waste a wild card this is so silly go back to the old way
Chariduck#40117 commented
Having to look up each card to see different styles is mind-numbingly stupid. Why the **** would you make it harder for your players to apply different styles?
Rixsaw#22695 commented
How do you even buy art now? I just build a new deck I have sleep cursed Faerie and Spyglass Siren do they not have alternate art or am I just unable to find it.
hyperM#13121 commented
I had to search again and found this thread.
I searched more than an hour. Not cool.The art style button was essential for me.
It's important to me to decide AFTER DECK BUILDING which cards get which art style and not have to choose it beforehand.
This also gave me a better idea of what art styles are available.
It makes no sense to me to include the art style in the confusing card selection.The game is still awesome.
DubBell211#27747 commented
Literally just spent 50k coins on card styles for a deck and now i have no way of displaying said cards. This is some pretty pathetic behavior from wizards of the coast.
tasukentasuken#09536 commented
Completely agree. I like the fact that I can now register my favorites, but it makes it very difficult to make a purchase. I can't tell at a glance which cards have which special styles. It's hard to apply a style I already have...I wonder if the people thinking of the UI have never used it?
Sotto Voce#12626 commented
I’ve tried everything. Can’t get my alternate art back. The symbol that used to be in the deck builder that you can click on that would show you all the alternate art available and what can purchased by gems or gold, is gone. Image below
Ruusa#64148 commented
Bring it back please!!
Xtraterrestrial#46907 commented
Absolutely agree!!! This is what I came here to bring attention to and I'm glad someone else is on the same page. Extremely easy button that let you pick through and purchase all available card style skins and it has been removed, and with what seems like no way to purchase new card styles without buying an entire new card? Really really dumb update and removal of one of my favorite features. I love getting all of my decks to borderless card styles and now I'm stuck in the middle of multiple now. Very disappointing. Super bummer. Fix ASAP please.
evil.hag#18758 commented
The new card-style search system lacks any ease of use. There is no way to see how many card styles you have for a certain card and when you now have to click to open the card styles, the pop-out image of the card that appears when you hover then just blocks it?? And you have to close it up right afterward. It is so cluttered and messy and it is impossible to look for any card style properly. This seems rediculous and I hope someone fixes this soon, please! We just want the old system back. You can have both, I don't care. But we need that old system.
Fyre#85890 commented
First of all, I love MTGA. It was a life saver, literally, in 2020. However this most recent update saw the removal of the card “style” button! Why?!! Why remove something that made that aspect of the interface easy to access? Bring back the card “style” button…please!!!
The removal of the “style” button made choosing different card styles for different decks extremely clunky and annoying to utilize. Instead of optimizing it, you just made the deck building process much worse for people who don’t want one card style favorited and applied to every deck. What, you thought every player out there just defaulted to picking one universal card style for every single deck?! This feels like a move to remove unpopular card styles just because you don’t want to have to deal with having them all. Setting aside that people who have them paid for those styles, let’s look at the creativity aspect and user choice here. The way it was before made it much easier to obtain desired styles as well. The move you made here will likely actually decrease revenue.
Building unique decks feels is SUPER frustrating and unintuitive the way it is now. Interesting dev idea some think tank thought up…horrible in implementation. I don’t mind being able to favorite a card style, I guess it’s cool and all, but bring back the style button so I can have an easier time picking between different styles for different deck feels. Thanks!
FYI: phone player here…not PC, not tablet…phone - and almost exclusively so. The update may be easier to adjust to on PC or tablet, but on a phone it’s not cool.
-{ ETHEREUM }-#60024 commented
There is an even bigger problem than that of creating cards, many styles of cards have disappeared at least in my deck, cards that were previously special have returned to normal, and I'm talking about many many cards, and I personally spent less money to have some which I no longer have.
JohnHaven#36237 commented
I can't see any alternative art in my collection and when looking at the craft screen there is no button above the card to switch to the alternative art screen so I can select alternative art I've already got and I can't see art that I've gotten since about a week or so ago I think.
I can see alternative art in the deck builder in the deck itself if I've already chosen the art for that deck. I cannot chose or change it thouogh. For ones that were already selected the art is shown when playing a match. I just can't touch any of my card cosmetics and well, what's the point of trying to win that stuff if I can't even see it. This is a big part of the motivation for me to play so frequently so I hope this is something fixed soon.