Bug in Direct Challenge mode
Unable to play in Direct Challenge Mode tonight with my wife. Other formats (such as Midweek Magic) worked fine, but DC mode just timed out with "network error" bug

Shnippy#51211 commented
Which decks are you trying to play against each other?
We had the same issue with the starter decks and we were able to work around it by exporting the starter decks from "Starter Decks" and reimporting it into "My Decks" and choosiung the decks from "My Decks".
We are now facing a new challenge though, we can direct challenge each other once per day, after which we get the "Network error". -
winniethed#13621 commented
It doesn't matter if I start or opponent initiates direct challenge, it is saying unable to select deck, then I get a network error. We played quite a few games last night and now it's not working...Attached log below.