Sparky homepage
After today's update every time I return to the homepage on Windows, Sparky appears and starts talking "Congratulations on completing spark rank..." I have tried listening to the whole speech and following sparky to the codex etc, restarting the game, as well as uninstalling.
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Darksomeness#70945 commented
Ever since the update today, sparky shows up every single time the home screen is opened. Extremely annoying
The Outlaw Torn#62994 commented
Same here
Display Name Here#57919 commented
1. Steps: Head to to the home screen after completing a match or returning from another tab.
2. Occurs on PC Steam
3. Every time the player reaches the home screen, sparky's dialogue begins where they congratulate the player for completing the spark rank tutorial
4. The audio should only play once -
Anatanokami#81491 commented
Same here after today's update.
Vector#09809 commented
Lol I literally just posted the same comment about the bug. It's SO annoying, even worse than the wooshing sound that you could hear in the deck builder screen and acroos other screens as well. Hopefully they'll fix it soon...
Vector#09809 commented
For some reason Sparky keeps showing up in my home screen saying "Congratulations on completing spark rank! [...]" and the subsequent dialogues every time I click on the screen. Is this happening to anyone else? Have you been able to fix it? I tried clicking everywhere and even replaying the tutorial but to no avail...
colino#17354 commented
This is driving me up a wall, please fix it
DirectorDad#06127 commented
The speaking spark shows up on the main screen and repeats itself over and over whenever I'm on the main screen. It goes continuously and restarts every time I enter the main screen, whether I start up the game, come back from a match, return from deckbuilder or store. It says "good job on completing the first steps towards becoming a good planeswalker" on repeat ad nasuem until I leave the main screen but going again whenever I return. It is extremely annoying.
Phule451#21364 commented
I am playing on a PC and ever since the new update Sparky is continually congratulating me on becoming a new planeswalker even though I finished the tutorial years ago. Every time I finish a match or even just go to the main screen it won't shut up and I can find no way to turn it off. It's extremely annoying. Why did Sparky just show up for no reason and how do I get rid of the annoying bugger?
Stirfriedramen#72128 commented
I have disabled voice in settings: Audio as temp. workaround.
Stirfriedramen#72128 commented
After the 1/16/2024 update, Sparky is perpetually congratulating me for achieving "Sparky level" after every match and whenever I return to the home page.
I am playing on PC via the unreal market app.
This is a huge QOL hit.
Log included. -
X0mega13#33371 commented
As of today (01-16-24) whenever I go to the home page on MTG Arena Sparky pops up congratulating me on my completion of Spark Rank and guids me to the Codex. I cannot figure out how to get Sparky to stop popping up. It is really anoying.
PS: This was not an issue this morning and only began after the update on 01-16-24.
Mr BadDragon#61954 commented
Clicking on profile starts a sparky explanation which does not stop, even wne you navigate away from the page. every %&^%&^ time. PLease make it stop
Rabban#33884 commented
Your "I'm Spark here to teach you about MTG" is going off and going through its speech every. time. I. go. to. the. home. screen. I have done the trainer, and play almost daily. So I do not want or need it. But, and this is really key, I do need it to STFU....
ehle#32097 commented
this is driving me nuts, every time you enter the home screen from anywhere Sparky states again "Wow you've beaten all of the color challenges.
DR.Bathtub#95740 commented
also have the same problem, it is turbo annoying. please make the fairy shut the **** up
iceScream#58906 commented
Same issue, with the "Wow, you've beaten all the color challanges", it's incredibly irritating, it would be really nice if there would be an option to disable sparky's remarks about everything. I enjoyed it first, and for sure it's useful for new players, but now hearing even a word (especially wow) in that voice, makes me want to throw my phone against a wall.
PrimoCarrot#77792 commented
Same here and my quest for jump in keeps resetting from 1/3 to 0/3 .
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QuickSilvur#29764 commented
Wow You've Completed all of your color challenges!
Wow You've Completed all of your color challenges!
Wow You've Completed all of your color challenges!
Wow You've Completed all of your color challenges!
Wow You've Completed all of your color challenges!But seriously this bug happens after ....Wow You've Completed all of your color challenges!
Sparky keeps saying Wow You've Completed all of your color challenges! After each time you return to the home screen.... its maddening.
Yiotis#82060 commented
Similar problem here as well. Every time I enter the home screen, Sparky greets me with the same line: "Wow, you've beaten all of the color challenges." This repeats without fail, and it's starting to get on my nerves.
I've tried the basic fixes like restarting the game, reinstalling, but nothing seems to work. The bug even exists on my phone and tablet (and pc).