Game Crash Putting in Koma or The One Ring Using Show and Tell
I Thought seized my opponent knocking out his Brazen Borrower. I then cast Show and Tell selecting to put Koma into play. My iphone then crashed. Opponent had One Ring and Snapcaster in hand so it was 1 of those 3 cards that caused the crash. I was able to close the game but everytime I reloaded the game it would take me straight into the game and then crash before the board actually loads. It did this multiple times until my timeouts would have been used. Once the timeouts would have been up I was able to get into a new game and play normally. I did not get the win as determined by the daily win wheel.
If important: this occurred playing mobile on ios.

Rylan77#94262 commented
The problem is koma, no matter how it enters the battlefield (cast, reanimate) the game will crash and lock you out of the game