Crash ipad
From last update every 2 match the app on iPad crash and I cannot enter again in the match because it start the countdown then it crash again until the match is finished. Please fix it.

Locutus Zero#13668 commented
I've had this issue as well since the release of MKM. Some days it doesn't happen, some days it happens two games in a row, seems random. As a match is loading, I see the vs screen and then the game crashes. If I try to launch the game, it will crash again, until the match is over and I've lost. On reloads, the flavor text/rules reminders on the loading screen will glitch out, showing garbled pieces of text. 9th gen iPad, iPadOS version 17.3.1. This is the only device I can play the game on and it's getting to the point that it doesn't make sense to play ranked or draft.
Net voyne!#96091 commented
Ranked ladder is completely unplayable for months already due to losses causes by this crash. I'm trying to get back into the game, only to run into this crash week after week. Are there any workarounds? Is there a bigger thread about this bug that I should be following?
rlmv#51777 commented
+1 to everything others have said. Game is unplayable crashing 90% of the time on ipad. Works fine on iPhone. This started after mkm release.