Infinite time stalling
- I don't know what exactly triggered this, it happened when my opponent had two symetry sages, used both base power boosts on a dreadhorde arcanist while casting a flames of anor, then attacked with the dreadhorde and one symetry sage, choosing to recast the flames of anor with the dreadhorde making the game stuck in a state where the flames of anor won't resolve and my oponents priority won't expire or use timeouts. Not even restarting the game fixes this. And my opponent is still there too, I can see them hovering cards and using the text prompts.
- PC
- The game is stuck in a state where nothing can happen and the game won't end. 4.??? what results am I supposed to expect? I expect this match will become a game of chicken contest of who's going to concede first.
- Screenshot attatched.
- No workaround. Probably just concede and lose another match from the game breaking. Neat.