Ban Narset, Enlightened Master from Brawl
Just ban the card, it's absolutely no fun to play against. Every time I face it in brawl I end up just wanting to strangle the opposing player. These decks never give you a chance and just ******** up so badly you can't do anything in response...Games are supposed to be fun, not fill you with rage. Having a card give free spells just by attacking is one of the most broken abilities I've ever seen.

SilverWolf#62149 commented
@Rezzahan#77802 You do lose something when playing against cards that do not belong in the format. You lose time. It would be easier to have a deck filter that you can choose which cards are on your personal ban list and then never have to play against those decks because they are an auto concede for you anyway. You don't waste your time.
Rezzahan#77802 commented
Then just concede when Arena presents you with a Narset opponent. You have no oblighation to play those games. Just start a new game that promises more fun. And you are not losing anything. Your opponent gets a free victory, yey, he's getting his 15 dailies anyway, so why would you care about that?