The crossover theme decks are horrible.
Stop adding silly crossover decks. You've ruined MTG by letting players use multiples of cards that do things like add life every upkeep and stack with other cards to exponentially multiply the tokens that affect the life gain and they're all from these silly OP crossover decks, like LOTR, Dr. Who, etc. That has no place in MTG. It's bull and ruins the competitive feeling of the game. Also, either get rid of emotes, or give us a text box. I don't want to say Hello. I want to say hurry tf up and stop icing by letting the timer run out or reading my played card for 5 minutes. Penalize stalling in a real way and penalize players who quit games early. Add an age filter so that under 18 is not playing with adults. Give us a text box. Remove the crossover decks from play in every, but one, specific game type. Provide the authentic experience to your loyal players before you try to excite the lost causes that are gen z and gen alpha. MTG Arena is the best mobile play version to date, but there are lots of issues. Mainly the added decks that break the lore, the OP cards that can be stacked, and the icing by running out the timer trying to get you to quit first.