Calamity, Galloping Inferno saddle triggers
I saddled [Calamity, Galloping Inferno] with [Prickly Pair] and attacked an enemy planeswalker.
See portions of the log around 4:46:17 PM (gameStateId 346-359):
[137905] [UnityCrossThreadLogger]4/16/2024 4:46:17 PM: K74UNEOZYZC7VGWRSOXZWT42MM to Match: ClientToMatchServiceMessageType_ClientToGREMessage
"requestId": 197,
"clientToMatchServiceMessageType": "ClientToMatchServiceMessageType_ClientToGREMessage",
"timestamp": "638488971777989364",
"transactionId": "4e36666e-8624-4e8b-98b7-e84c8d546408",
The correct behavior is for two token copies ("Repeat this process once") of [Prickly Pair] to ETB tapped and attacking, and for two mercenary tokens to be created as the token copies' ETB triggers resolve. That didn't happen.
Instead, only one token copy (instanceId 308) was created. Thus, only one ETB trigger to create one red mercenary token (instanceId 312).
This was on the PC client.

Jellcat#79043 commented
It seems to be happening when you have a battle out too. I had invasion of zendikar on the board and calamity won't proc the second time.
Timmy,PowerGamer#21039 commented
Same issue for me. Opponent had a Jace Reawakened planeswalker on the field and my Calamity, Galloping Inferno only made one copy of my target creature.
This was during a draft too, bummer.
Rheticus#27268 commented
I cannot believe this has not been rectified yet.
BlueIllusion#49557 commented
Same here any answer from the support?
Andrew#89942 commented
Same problem. Super frustrating especially since if it worked correctly it would almost always be lethal.
cornoth#81063 commented
Keeps happening to me to there is no reason this shouldn't be fixed already with a bigger tournament that happened this weekend. Which means If it happened in the tournament to anyone!
Evu#00213 commented
This bug seems pretty consistent. I saw it happen three times over the course of a match, always when there was a planeswalker across the table. I never chose to attack the planeswalker, so I don't know if that would make a difference. I've used Calamity in a lot of other situations and hadn't seen this bug before.
Screenshot and log attached.
ZunaXVG#05481 commented
Fix galloping inferno bug. I lost too many games due to pwalkers on the field. Give me back my wins.
ZunaXVG#05481 commented
OH thats why. I thought it was only me. Lost so many games because of it. I couldve had letal.
UnlimitedMana#24000 commented
This happens 100% of the time when a planeswalker is on the field.
It will only ever make one token when it asks you which player/planeswalker you would like to assign the damage too after the first token is made. -
X0mega13#33371 commented
Agreed, this is an issue. It seems to be repeatable whenever there is more than one attack target such as players, battles, and planeswalkers in any combination.
mja16777216#38339 commented
Good idea to test with a battle -- I couldn't figure out how to reproduce against Sparky, since she doesn't use planeswalkers.
Heart#97945 commented
I'll add to yours since you seem to be extremely thorough. This bug also occurs when attacking a player that is defending a battle.
Something about the client asking you to pick who the token is attacking is causing it to skip the second token.
Tested this a bunch against Sparky.