Game froze and timed out for me after pressing the next button
Game Frozen after pressing next button to proceed to combat step. On my turn , game produced time out bar for myself after pressing next to combat. Game is stuck in first main phase. Cannot click on or interact with any object in client. Game should not have prompted time out bar. I would hope such a bug would result in a refund for the event as this occurred during a game which could be my 3rd loss for the draft. Extremely frustrating bug. I had multiple spells and activated abilities available to use in the event that a Time Out began, but none are available to cast or activate.
DAC169#34537 commented
If you press the button to go to the next phase and it doesn't, that means that you have lost your connection to the game server.
If the rope timer ends and the match doesn't continue it means that you have lost your connection to the game server.