Revealed Card and Quick Draft
If i have to reveal cards then i draw or then the oponnent sees my hand or chosse from a pile of cards like sleight of hand and have to reveal my chocie it would be make way more sense that the KI takes the revealed card automatically and i keep only the non revealed cards.
And second it doesn't make any sense at all, that Quick doesn't start with the new Set. If a new Set come out, it should be easy to draft with 5000 gold and shouldn't be ony Draft with token's, gems or 12000 gold. Makes no sense and isn't player friendly, so then a new Sets come out, i wanna start a quick draft at the same day and don't have to wait 4 or more weeks to get a first quick draft. In addition it getting unfaired with players who draft the set way more before if you get a match with a person who spend gems, tokens and real money.

Rezzahan#77802 commented
Quick Drafts change every two weeks. And evers second Draft is for the newest set. Plenty of opportunity to draft the new set. And at most 1 1/2 weeks waiting for the first Draft.