Stop destroying historic + Custom Ban List idea
I just want to get as close to commander as possible, and yet I have to deal with a bunch of fake cards for smooth-brained children. Forcing historic players to endure the blight of alchemy cards is sadistic. The historic format should cater to older players. Wotc has enough baubles to entertain new players. How about showing a shred of respect for people who've been playing for 20+ years? It would be easy enough to create a toggle that allows players to opt out of alchemy cards. If you're worried that matchmaking times might increase for alchemy players, well then you know that nobody with an IQ of 90 or higher wants to waste their time with fake cards, and then you can remove this tumor from mtg.
Also, an option to avoid certain cards in matchmaking, like a personal ban list, would be beneficial. It makes me so mad I want to throw up when every other deck in historic brawl is running contagion engine and primeval titan. There's just some cards I don't ever want to see, like cyclonic rift or baral. Who wants to waste their time forfeiting to a baral deck filled with counter spells?