Gameplay with a buy and win system that benefits players who purchase a mastery pass.
For a long time now, I've been denouncing the Magic Arena gameplay that has been benefiting players who purchase a mastery pass within the game. When I reported the algorithm that altered the cards, my account was deleted without the possibility of recovery. So I created a new account where I play and with videos I can collect evidence that the game is really a buy-and-win system.
Today I was playing and I downloaded an indestructible card, an enchantment/creature that I use in my deck to generate markers. The problem occurs in the following move from my opponent who managed to destroy it using an instant destroy enchantment spell. This isn't the first time I've seen this, and I hope it's the last! This **** game has destroyed my mental health, it has completely exhausted my desire to play Magic, and I have to congratulate you from the support team, you managed to throw a fascinating Magic story into the trash. Instead of creating editions for nothing, stop thinking about money for a bit and start thinking about gameplay, because if I were to list everything I've seen on this drug, 100 support posts would be little. The gameplay shows how greedy a team can be.